

It is said that blue or grey cats arrived in Europe from Syria during the Crusades. Towards century xvm, the Chartreux It was so embedded that it had scientific name, Felis catus coeruleus, and the naturalist Gcorges-Louis Leclerc He described it as 'cat France'.

The natural colonies existed in all France, but their number was never very high, and towards the end of World War II, the chartreux had almost become extinct. Breeders attempted to keep it and crossed it with races such as the British short hair. Initially, the FIFé the chartrcux included with the British short hair, but later separated them.

As well as the more traditional European races, the Chartreux is an independent cat, impassive, less noisy than most and is happy to stay in a corner. His squat body is supported by surprisingly slender legs and covered in a thick, hairy coat which, When properly acicala, has a velvety shine.

The number of chartreux suffered a significant decline during the second world war. The people of all races was affected in one way or another, but that time was even tougher for cats without pedigree. Cats have a size and a complexion resembling the rabbits, and these were sold to United legs to avoid fraud. Both Germans, Spanish or Portuguese used phrases that allude to sell a cat instead of a Hare or rabbit. The shortage of food during the war meant that some people might not be demanding; the cats were source of protein and is dubbed them «roof rabbits».

Alternative names: Monje Cartujo in Spanish.

Breeds of cats: Chartreux

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